Christmas Book Advent Calendar
Chelsey Crouch
This resource will give you filtered lists of over 100 great books to use in a Christmas book Advent calendar. Choose 24 books, wrap them up, and add one of the printable numbers available in this resource. The lists included will tell you which books contain Santa, which books are about Jesus, as well as my top 25 favorite Christmas books to read with your kids. The lists are in alphabetical order by author, so if you don't want to purchase them, you can take the list to your local library and see if they are available there!
- 1 page of instructions
- 1 page to keep track of the books you choose
- 4 pages of book recommendations
- 4 pages of printable numbers
Recommendations for over 100 books to read with your kids at Christmas, plus instructions and printable numbers to create your own Christmas book Advent calendar.
11.9 MB
10 pages
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